Intuitive Living with Kate Van Horn
Intuitive Living with Kate Van Horn
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -5:31


Choose your intuitive message as we shift our focus.


I've recorded three different collective messages for you today, each offering insights from the cards. Keep in mind that a collective tarot reading means that some things may resonate deeply, while other parts might not—this is normal! After all, free will is always at play, and each person’s journey is unique. My readings are more about empowering YOU as an individual, helping you reflect on your own path, rather than predicting the future for an entire collective group—because let’s face it, if I could predict everyone's life at once, that would feel a little unhinged.

Just a heads-up, these messages are for personal entertainment and reflection, but I do hope they spark powerful insights and conversation with Self. The full-length audio reading is available for paid subscribers of my Substack, but below you'll find the brief messages from each of the tarot cards plus a preview of the audio to give you a taste of what's in store.


I created a 3 card tarot spread for this reading. I encourage you to use your own tarot deck to pull additional cards, or set personal intention as you listen and read through.





Take a moment to settle into a comfortable space and connect with your breath. When you're ready, trust your intuition to guide you toward the message that could support you today—simply choose between 1 (left), 2 (center), or 3 (right). You can look at the piles below for some visual clues or further intuitive hits.

this is


blank space

to scroll


before the first cards are revealed

so that there are no spoilers! :)

GROUP 1 (Reading Begins at 5:29)

Lost Focus: Knight of Cups & Magician Reversed

It feels like you’ve been disillusioned or let down by something you were really excited about, whether it's a relationship, an opportunity, or an idea. The Knight of Cups and the Magician reversed show that you may have poured your heart into something, only to feel powerless when it didn’t unfold as expected.

Refocus: Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles urges you to refocus your time, ground your energy, and come back to the basics. Take things day by day, now is not the time to judge yourself or your emotions. You were excited, your heart was in it, and you have every reason to continue to lead your life that way. But the four of pentacles is responsible, practical, and airs on the side of caution, so you can too.

New Focus: Wheel of Fortune

Woohoo! The Wheel of Fortune signals a shift in luck, reminding you that the redirection is leading you toward something better. Try to (re)open your heart, and believe it.

Suggested Practice: Try scripting to write the next chapter of your life.

GROUP 2 (Reading Begins at 10:51)

Lost Focus: Knight of Swords Reversed

Let’s release this frantic and hurried energy through the rest of this season. You may be feeling scattered, overwhelmed, or out of control lately, as though your drive and determination took a quick turn into frustration and stalled momentum.

Refocus: Temperance

Temperance calls you to slow down, find balance, and approach challenges with patience. Especially if you’ve been under the weather this winter, physically. It's time to harmonize your inner and outer worlds so the results feel more holistic, rather than hurried. It’s time to rewire a pattern that led you to this feeling.

New Focus: Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles invites you to embrace a slow, simpler, more pleasurable approach. Focus on developing new skills and following what brings you joy. Hobbies, low-pressure projects, and exploring new communities or spaces could feel really reviving right now! What would your body choose if you didn’t rush it right now?

Your Suggested Practice: A Dopamine Detox!

Unplug and take notice of when you’re scrolling, snacking, and reaching for quick fixes to soothe you rather than prioritizing what would really support your energy.

GROUP 3 (Reading Begins at 16:28)

Lost Focus: Queen of Cups

It seems like you’ve been showing up as the Queen of Cups for others in your life. I talk about “maternal labor” you’ve been taking on and your nurturing tendencies in the audio above. While emotional capacity is valuable, this energy could have led to a sense of being drowned by or too immersed in others’ needs, causing you to lose sight of your own.

Refocus: Emperor

The Emperor calls you to refocus by embracing structure, discipline, and authority. Take a step back and regain control by implementing solid plans, establishing boundaries, and creating order in your life. It’s time to be proactive in managing your relationships with confidence and clarity. You may also feel called to plan for your future right now, rather than focus so much on the relationships in your life.

New Focus: 8 of Cups, clarified by Queen of Wands

The 8 of Cups is a card of emotional disconnection, further proving that your intuitive and emotional depth are being called elsewhere. You are not closing off, you’re retreating and reconnecting right now instead. The Queen of Wands brings the fire to all these water based cups cards! As a clarifying card this archetype can serve as YOUR cheerleader. To show up with passion and self-assurance toward creative outlets or simply refueling your own inner radiance.

Your Suggested Practice: A Creative Power Hour

Schedule an hour (or more) this week to sit, create, and focus your sensitive and creative energy into your OWN art, piece of writing, or spiritual practice. This will channel the beautiful gifts of the Queen of Cups and Queen of Wands, through structure and thoughtful planning which The Emperor represents. All the cards in a newly refocused and reimagined way.

These are called “Artist Dates” in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

My readings are now open for the month of March! You can connect with me and schedule a 1:1 session here. As always I look forward to holding the space.

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